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| Case Study |

Enhancing Response Time and Efficiency for a Major Insurance and Financial Services Organization with Annual Revenue Exceeding $1.2 Billion

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Rapid User Identification

Integration with Fluency resulted in the immediate identification of users involved in security events, reducing response times from 45 minutes to mere moments.

Streamlined Operational Dynamics

Fluency’s advanced correlation engine enhanced the organization’s operational efficiency, facilitating swift validation of alerts and providing the necessary data for a rapid response to security events.

Cost-Efficient for the Company

By optimizing the detection and response process, Fluency eliminated the need for additional security analysts, saving considerable resources and preventing an increase in operational costs.

The Challenge

A prominent player in the insurance and financial services sector, generating over $1.2 billion in annual revenue, specializes in serving the auto, education, municipality, and healthcare industries. Despite having a well-integrated Security Information Event Management (SIEM) system and a robust user identification protocol facilitated through their Cisco firewall, the organization faced significant challenges in swiftly and cost-effectively detecting and responding to network and security events.

The Solution

In initial consultations with Fluency, the focal point was to address the time-intensive process involved in pinpointing the users linked to various issues, a task that took upwards of 45 minutes per incident. This was not only draining their resources but was also steering them towards an expansion of their security team by three additional analysts to manage the workload.

Implementing Fluency brought about a transformative change in their operational dynamics. Leveraging Fluency’s advanced correlation engine, the organization could track pivotal data, including system machine addresses (assets) and usernames, augmenting this information into alerts that previously lacked such details. This refined correlation process served a dual purpose: facilitating quick validation of alerts and equipping the team with the requisite data to orchestrate an informed response.

The Results

The outcome of incorporating Fluency into their operational framework was multifaceted. The team gained the ability to instantly identify users involved in security events, a process enhancement that single-handedly eliminated the need for additional personnel, thereby averting increased operational costs. This strategic collaboration with Fluency not only streamlined their response mechanism but also fostered a more secure and efficient environment.

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