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  • Writer's pictureChris Jordan

Creating a Security Foundation

One awesome aspect about companies is that they grow into maturity, and so does their security. An organization chart slowly looks like a company. Successful companies are thinking more of their customers, and less on their network administration and security. IT and Security are one-person living programs that execute their vision. But eventually, these aspects of a company need to become more business-like. A formal security approach needs to be put in place that a team can run and a business execute. The idea of all the sudden turning on security it daunting to most companies. Spreadsheets filled with compliance requirements are overwhelming. There is no “Quick Start Guide to Corporate Security”. There is a first step. Building a security foundation in a company starts with two simple objectives:

  • Governance, which asks the questions, and

  • Audit, which provides evidence to answers them.

That’s it? For now, yes. A common mistake is to focus on perfection. Security is like a boat needing to cross the sea. The boat might leak, but if it can get us to where we are going, it’s good enough. If we spend all our time trying to make the boat perfect then we never leave. The object is the voyage, not a perfect boat.

Start simple

Create a Governance part to the company that focuses first on the basics. Governance requires that ability to see. Without vision, it is just paperwork. Governance first focuses on developing three simple abilities. These are to see:

  • a user’s login to the network.

  • the desktop endpoint protection.

  • the usage of the network.

This can be having Windows Login (LDAP), running a centrally managed antivirus product, and an Internet proxy to monitor web usage. These simple elements are the start to user, device and network audit. To support Governance, implement basic audit. Now tools tend to already have an audit in them. We need to centralize the audit for Governance. Create Centralized Log Management (CLM).

  • move log data to a common location.

  • store log data in a common datastore.

The focus of this one-two punch is that it will provide the insight to determine and to prioritize the need. The order of need is the ability to:

  • measure,

  • prevent, and finally

  • respond.

This simple start of CLM is the framework Governance will consistently go back to gain understanding and address how to move forward. The ability to measure the security of the network relates to the ability to make decisions.

What this might look like

With basic controls report audit to a central location, Governance should have the ability to see:

  • device-to-user

  • device-to-network

  • user-to-network

It’s not perfect. But Governance can now track when a person properly enters the network. Governance can also determine when a device connects to the Internet without having gone through proper login. Lastly, there is an ability to see what network logs are associated to what users. To relate all this information, Governance implements a Central Log Management (CLM) system. CLM addresses a number of long-term compliance objectives, and at the same time reduces the effort in understanding all the data being collected. This data will continually grow.

Choosing Central Log Management Software

A CLM is not a giant haystack. Solution’s like Fluency correlate and fuse the data. Placing all the data into a giant database did not solve anything. It just made your problem sit on a single server. A Japanese samurai might tell you, “Every action is an action to the final cut.” If you do something that does not bring you closer to your objective, you have wasted an action. Waste to a businessman is lost profit. The growth, diversity, and complexity of log data grow as a security process matures. To avoid having to migrate away from an incapable CLM solution, the foundation needs to implement a proper CLM from the start. The lack of a CLM solution that provides insight is why I left a vice president position at McAfee. People were implementing large amounts of security without insight into what products were doing. Though individually, these products helped the security posture of a company, the lack of vision meant large gaps in prevention and response. This lack of insight still exists today. Implementing CLM correctly means more than avoiding a migration later. For instance, CLM with analytics will provide better decision-making insight. Better insight means better priority and measurement. Implementing a basic CLM capability is a mistake. Open source CLM focuses on creating a bigger haystack. Incoming logs are parsed and placed in a transaction table. All data is treated as if it was all the same. There is an immediate satisfaction of seeing data and charts, but the charts provide little management insight after the first viewing. The desired of relating user-to-device-to-network activity is still an inefficient manual process.

Leapfrogging Old CLM

When techies’ sees a newer solution is where they should be, they leapfrog. The greatest advantage of building a foundation is the ability to leapfrog old ideas without having to dismantle old infrastructure. Central Log Management (CLM) is the cornerstone to audit. It appears like it does not have a technology. It appears like a giant haystack of data. This view is common even in the most cutting edge open source projects. The haystack approach to log management, one that focuses on the database, is a poison pill. A CLM is to position you to implement and leverage analytics. Analytic algorithms do not understand data. This means that the CLM you choose needs to perform normalization, de-confliction, and fusion on their own. These aspects of log management are not in basic SIEM and CLM design. Marketing material normally does not talk about this. To find a CLM solution ready for Security Analytics look for solutions that implement true fusion. To do this, look to see if the system needs to perform a join, or a second look-up to present a view of a transaction, if so then the system is not ready for analytics. Security Analytics works best with a graph database approach and fused data. Governance needs analytics for insight, not summary charts.


Starting a security program focus on creating an element of the company responsible for Governance and provide that Governance the ability to see and measure the infrastructure. Security management is Governance. To gain vision for governing, create a central log management (CLM) that collects user, device and network logs. The CLM should fuse the data so that there is a clear relationship between the user, device, and network. The aim is to have analytics to support Governance. Once there is Governance and vision into the user-device-network relationship, Governance can start implementing and measuring the network. Chris Jordan is CEO of College Park, Maryland-based Fluency (, a pioneer in Security Automation and Orchestration.

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